Palmer's, 可可油配方,均勻膚色,防曬,防曬棒,SPF 50,0、5 fl oz (250 ml)
Helps prevent sunburn
前陣子在網路購物時看到Palmer's, 可可油配方,平均膚色,防曬,防曬棒,SPF 50,0、5 fl oz (250 ml)的商品,發現品質還不錯,良多口碑文章保舉,但沐浴及美容防曬霜:Palmer's, 可可油配方,平均膚色,防曬,防曬棒,SPF 50,0、5 fl oz (250 ml)哪裡買對照划算呢?Palmer's, 可可油配方,平均膚色,防曬,防曬棒,SPF 50,0、5 fl oz (250 ml)在PTT上面說下面這個網站廉價又快速,所以我都到這個網站采辦Palmer's, 可可油配方,平均膚色,防曬,防曬棒,SPF 50,0、5 fl oz (250 ml)了!
Specially formulated to leave a sheer radiance on skin without any white, pasty residue.
Palmer's Cocoa Butter Formula Eventone Suncare contains active ingredients and natural moisturizes Cocoa Butter, Shea Butter and Coconut Oil to protect your skin from the damaging effects of the sun and help you maintain a youthful even skin tone.